Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New version of CafeBabe Bytecode Editor plugin (ver. 1.0.0) for Intellij IDEA

This plugin integrates CafeBabe Bytecode Editor with Intellij IDEA.


1. Added implementation of ClassHound service.
2. Added implementation of Save Class File function.
3. Bug fix: disabling initial openning of plugin toolwindow.

How to use it inside Intellij IDEA:

How to use Class Viewer/Editor

- Select class file in the files tree or click on "Open File" icon within plugin toolwindow;
- Activate context menu for the selected file;
- Select "Open in CafeBabe" item from the context menu;
- Class will be disassembled and represented in CafeBabe toolwindow;
- If you want to disassemble some method, navigate to methods list, select one method
and activate context menu. Follow "Go to method body" link. You will be redirected to
"Bytecode Editor" toolwindow;
- Now you can create/delete/edit bytecode instructions;
- In constant pool you can modify UTF strings;
- If you want to get explanation for a given instruction, click on Help icon.
- If you modified the file and then trying to save it, "Save as" dialog will be initiated, allowing you to save modified class.
- You can click on "Save as" icon any time when you want to save your modifications.

How to use ClassHound

- Click on ClassHound icon - new toolwindow will be open;
- In ClassHound toolwindow select archive, then package, class, fileld or method. You can select only package
or only package class;
- By double clicking on package, class, field or method - selected item will be loaded into Class Viewer/Editor.
If it's field or method, Class File Viewer/Editor will be positioned on selected field/method;
- You can add new archive to the list of available archives - then you can explore it in standard way.

Monday, December 10, 2007

New version of Groovy language and most popular java information portals

New version of Groovy language - 1.5 - had been released. Great job!

But I want to ask everybody about the efficiency of our "leaders" in information ocean of Java events. Neither "javalobby" nor "theserverside"... For the last 3 days... What's wrong? Where can we get the most up-to-date and complete information about Java events?

My selection is "javablogs.com". What about yours?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

New version of maven-archetypes plugin for Intellij IDEA (1.0.2)

This plugin helps to generate initial java project layout with the help of Maven Archetypes.


1. Downgrading java version to 1.5 (to be compatible for Mac users);
2. Changing appfuse version to 2.0.1;
3. Separating archetypes.xml file from jar file (make it avalilable for user modifications).

How to use it inside IDEA editor:

1. Select Working Directory;
2. Select archetype group;
3. Select archetype;
4. Enter groupId, artifactId, version for your project;
5. Click on Generate button. New project will be generated in the working directory.